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The Polished Speaker 

(Public Speaking Mentor, Leadership Presence Coach)

Cheryl has had a successful career in executive coaching, helping businesspeople improve their leadership presence and presentation skills. When she decided to build her own brand and go out on her own, she needed a few things. She first contacted me to have a look at a logo that had been created for her but which she didn't love. It didn't "feel right" she told me, but she didn't know exactly why. She had begun writing a blog and delivering it via email but it needed a home on the web. She had developed a small following, but needed to solidify her brand and grow her audience.

We started at the beginning with brand definition and articulation. Cheryl needed to communicate positivity, connection, confidence, approachability, and effectiveness. I went on to design a logo, and to apply it to marketing materials and a spankin' new website. The professional, cohesive look and feel of her new materials were just the motivation she needed to get her business rolling. 


If you're starting a business (even if you've had a false start!) and need help defining and communicating your brand, contact me today.


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